iLookOut for Child Abuse
Protecting Children through Training and Research
d’Vinci partnered with Penn State College of Medicine to recreate iLookOut for Child Abuse training course in d’Vinci’s ecoLearn® Learning Management System (LMS) as part of an NIH funded research project. The seamless integration of the iLookOut Curriculum (including video-based storyline eLearning and microlearning modules) into the new LMS provides a modern learner experience and improved tracking of learner metrics and outcomes used to shape future training.
The iLookOut Curriculum and LMS provide a comprehensive learning solution for mandated reporters of child abuse in Pennsylvania. The aim of the NIH-funded research study is to determine how best to reinforce the learners’ knowledge over time. Mandated reporters who complete the core training are randomized by the LMS to access microlearning reinforcement training either immediately or after an interval of several months.
The ecoLearn LMS notifies and reminds learners to login and complete the learning experience. To capture specific, detailed data related to learner’s activities, knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors needed for the study, the LMS leverages the xAPI tracking standard.
iLookOut's core training satisfies state requirements for mandated reporter training in Pennsylvania, and the system transmits these results to the Pennsylvania Licensing System (PALS) automatically upon course completion.
Related Information: Learn more about how this training will reach learners nationwide through d’Vinci’s Mandated Reporter Academy.