News & Thinking

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Hand on laptop with checkbox graphic
July 11, 2024 | Thinking

Learning Platform Security and Privacy Updates are Essential for Long-Term Success

In the fast-paced world of digital education where innovation, user experience, and learner engagement take center stage, there's a lesser-known aspect of best practices that often goes unnoticed: regular updates to LMS and educational website servers and application code. 

These updates play a critical role in ensuring security, performance, compliance, and future enhancements of learning management systems (LMS), learning platforms, and educational websites.

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Hand holding blue brain image
June 20, 2024 | Thinking

Enhancing Instructional Design: The Synergy of AI and Human Expertise

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into Learning and Development (L&D) has sparked a mixture of excitement and concern among professionals and clients alike. This article aims to dispel any doubts by illustrating the nuanced, irreplaceable value that expert instructional design professionals bring, and how AI-equipped L&D can elevate learning experiences by enhancing personalization, efficiency, and outcomes.

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illustration of people at computers learning
June 13, 2024 | Thinking

How to Add AI to your Digital Citizenship Curriculum

The rapid expansion of AI tools and services has disrupted carefully-curated lesson plans. Educators may feel overwhelmed by and uncertain about this technology, but the call is clear - we must evolve with the world around us in order to help our students be good digital citizens of ALL the technology that is available to them.
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hand pointing at computer graphic that reads eLearning
May 21, 2024 | Thinking

How Learning & Development Can Foster a Culture of Innovation

At d’Vinci Interactive, we're proud to be celebrating our 30th anniversary in 2024. Over the years as tools and technology have changed one thing has remained consistent; investing in a culture of innovation has been essential to our team’s continued success. I hope these lessons learned from our innovation journey may inspire other organizational leaders to grow and evolve as well. 

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Wilson Center Digital Archive image
May 13, 2024 | Thinking

Unleashing the Power of Data Visualization: Creating Engaging Data-Driven Experiences for Users

In today's data-driven landscape, where spreadsheets with thousands or even millions of rows are increasingly common, learning leaders have a unique opportunity to evolve methods of displaying large amounts of consumable data in ways that engage and educate users. A properly organized dataset can help users find what they need and explore meaningful connections without becoming overwhelmed.

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Graphic of learners on a computer screen
April 29, 2024 | Thinking

The Power of Connection: Insights from the Learning Guild Learning & HR Tech Solutions Conference

Last week, I had the pleasure of attending the Learning & HR Technology Conference in Orlando, FL. Conferences like these brim with opportunities, but I find myself particularly drawn to discovering the "hidden gems"—sessions that not only pique my interest, but stimulate deep thinking and compel action.
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blurry image of gym equipment
April 3, 2024 | Thinking

Building Muscle and Mastery: Parallel Journeys in Physical and Professional Development

As the Director of Learning Experience at a custom learning solutions company, I've dedicated my career to the science of learning — designing instructionally-sound experiences that not only engage learners but truly change behavior and improve performance. Yet, earlier this year, I found myself embarking on a personal journey of learning of a different kind: re-acquainting myself with the gym after more than three decades.

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AI generated image that shows person and data
March 27, 2024 | Thinking

How AI is Transforming the Innovation Landscape in Learning & Development

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are not just buzzwords anymore. As we speak, these transformative technologies are reshaping how we work, search, play, and learn. Successful AI adoption will help power us to become next-level professionals who automate and streamline repetitive tasks and optimize workflows to free up valuable time. We will use this time to create more innovative learning strategies, technology deliverables, and learning customizations.
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Graphic of laptop with video button
March 11, 2024 | Thinking

How to Leverage Video in Learning

Video has come a long way. It’s a mainstay in our daily lives, both personally and professionally. As learning and development professionals, we should lean into the familiarity that our audience has with digesting content through video. Let’s explore the various ways video can be used in your next eLearning module or instructor-led training, considerations to keep in mind when producing videos, and what’s next for video in the future.
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Hand holding graphic that says "translate" and various languages
February 23, 2024 | Thinking

eLearning Translation: Creating Linguistically Inclusive eLearning

As we see more and more companies prioritize accessibility in their eLearning, we must remember that the heart of accessibility is inclusivity – and our commitment to accessibility should also extend to meeting the needs of a linguistically diverse audience. If we have learners in our audience whose native languages are not English, we must ensure that we have content accurately translated and localized so they have the same learning experience. 

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d’Vinci Interactive is an award-winning comprehensive learning solutions provider for corporate, government, medical, K-12, and non-profit target markets.

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